
Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Types of Websites

1) Portal
A portal is a web site that offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient differentiated. Most of the portals to offer these free services: search engine; news; sports and weather; Web publishing; reference tools such as yellow pages, stock quotes, and maps; shopping; and email and other communications services.
2) News
A news website contains interesting material including stories and articles relating to news, money, sports, life and time. Many magazine/newspaper sponsor websites that offer summaries of printed articles, as well as the items not included in printed versions.
The Star Online
3) Informational
Informational websites are those sites which are created in order to provide a customized and branded resource for potential and active customers, members, investors and so forth. These websites are usually content and design driven.
4) Business
A business/marketing website contains that promotes or sells products or services. Almost every company has a website of business/marketing.

5) Blog
A blog, short for Weblog, is an informal Web site consisting of timestamp, or post articles, a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order. A blog that contains video clips called a video blog, or vlog. A microblog allows users to post short messages, usually between 100 and 200 characters, for others to read. Twitter is a popular microblog.
6) Wiki
A wiki is a collaborative web site that allows users to create, add, edit, or delete the contents of a web site using their web browser. Many wikis are open to modification by the general public.

7) Online Social Network
An online social network, also called a social networking web site, is a site that encourages members to his online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other registered users. Most include chat rooms, newsgroups, and other communications services.

8) Educational
An educational website offers exciting avenues, stimulating teaching and formal and informal learning. On the Web, you can learn how to style your hair or how to cook a meal.


9) Entertainment
An entertainment site offers an interactive and engaging environment. Popular entertainment sites offer music, video, sports, games, web episodes, sweepstakes, chat room and more.

10) Advocacy
An advocacy site contains content that describes a cause, opinion or idea. These websites usually have views of a particular group or association.

11) Web Application
A Web application or Web app, is a website that allows users to access and interact with the software through a web browser on any computer or device that connected to the Internet. Some Web applications allow you to have free access to their software. Others offer part of their free software and charge for access to the most comprehensive functions or when a particular action is requested.

Google Docs
12) Content Aggregator
An aggregator of content is a business that collects and organizes and distributes web content or feeds, content to the Subscriber free of charge or on payment. Examples of distributed content include news, music, video, and pictures.
13) Personal
A family often not associated with any organization or private individual can maintain a personal site or a single Web page. People to publish personal web pages for a variety of reasons. Some are job hunting. Others simply want to share life experiences with the world.


Internet Services 
allows us to access huge amount of information such as text, graphics, sound and software over the internet. Following diagram shows the four different categories of Internet Services.

Communication Services

There are various Communication Services available that offer exchange of information with individuals or groups. The following table gives a brief introduction to these services:
S.N.Service Description
1Electronic Mail
Used to send electronic message over the internet.
Used to log on to a remote computer that is attached to internet.
Offers a forum for people to discuss topics of common interests.
4Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Allows the people from all over the world to communicate in real time.
5Mailing Lists
Used to organize group of internet users to share common information through e-mail.
6Internet Telephony (VoIP)
Allows the internet users to talk across internet to any PC equipped to receive the call.
7Instant Messaging
Offers real time chat between individuals and group of people. Eg. Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger.

Information Retrieval Services

There exist several Information retrieval services offering easy access to information present on the internet. The following table gives a brief introduction to these services:
S.N.Service Description
1File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Enable the users to transfer files.
It’s updated database of public FTP sites and their content. It helps to search a file by its name.
Used to search, retrieve, and display documents on remote sites.
4Very Easy Rodent Oriented Netwide Index to Computer Achieved (VERONICA)
VERONICA is gopher based resource. It allows access to the information resource stored on gopher’s servers.

Web Services

Web services allow exchange of information between applications on the web. Using web services, applications can easily interact with each other.
The web services are offered using concept of Utility Computing.

World Wide Web (WWW)

WWW is also known as W3. It offers a way to access documents spread over the several servers over the internet. These documents may contain texts, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks. The hyperlinks allow the users to navigate between the documents.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing or Video teleconferencing is a method of communicating by two-way video and audio transmission with help of telecommunication technologies.

Modes of Video Conferencing


This mode of conferencing connects two locations only.


This mode of conferencing connects more than two locations through Multi-point Control Unit (MCU).



Berjumpa kawan-kawan semasa tahun baru cina. Keluar makan bersama-sama kerana baru kali pertama dapat cuti pada masa yang sama. Kami berlima telah berkawan dari tingkatan satu sehinggalah ke hari ini. Bukan kami sahaja yang rapat,ibu bapa kami juga sangat rapat.


Pada setiap pagi pula,saya akan menyiram pokok bunga kegemaran ibu saya.ibu saya akan marah kalau saya terlupa menyiram pokok bunganya.Tambahan pula sekarang musim panas.

Makan kenduri di rumah kawan 

Tuesday, 27 February 2018


 Dessert adalah sajian yang disajikan diakhir courses dalam suatu set menu yang gunanya untuk menghilangkan kesan rasa hidangan yang terdahulu dan menutup babak penyajian makanan. Sajian dessert sering dinamakan The final course atau The last course dan berasa manis atau disebut sweet Hidangan penutup (dessert) adalah hidangan yang disajikan setelah hidangan utama (main course) sebagai hidangan penutup atau biasa disebut dengan istilah pencuci mulut. Dessert biasanya mempunyai rasa manis dan menyegarkan, terkadang ada yang berasa asin atau kombinasinya. Fungsi dessert dalam giliran hidangan (courses) adalah sebagai hidangan yang menyegarkan setelah menyantap hidangan utama (main course) yang terkadang mempunyai aroma atau rasa yang amis serta menghilangkan rasa enak. Pada awalnya hidangan dessert yang disajikan berupa buah-buahan yang segar tanpa proses pengolahan.
    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, hidangan dessert mulai bervariasi dengan mengambil dasar (basic) dari beberapa hidangan seperti cake, pie, ice cream dan sebagainya yang dipadukan dengan sauce, buah, syrup, cream atau perpaduan antara bahan dasar, sehingga menciptakan hidangan dessert yang lezat dan menarik. Jenis hidangan yang digunakan sebagai dessert dapat dihidangkan secara tersendiri diluar dari susunan menu. Seperti untuk hidangan teman tea, sebagai snack, petit four, hantaran, dan lain sebagainya.

 Bahan-Bahan Untuk Sajian Dessert
  1. Bahan pokok Bahan pokok yang digunakan macamnya antara lain: tepung, beras, havermouth, cereals, agar-agar, gelatin, roti, biscuit, buah. Bahan tersebut berfungsi sebagai bahan pengental,
  2. Bahan cair Cairan yang digunakan tidak hanya air tetapi dapat pula susu, youghurt, sari buah.
  3. Bahan perasa Bahan perasa yang digunakan adalah gula, coklat, jam, caramel
  4. Bahan pengisi Bahan isian dapat berupa bahan makanan segar yaitu buah segar, kenari atau bahan makanan yang sudah diawetkan seperti kismis, sukade, buah dalam sirup, jam, marmalade.
  5. Bahan pengharum Bahan makanan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pemberi aroma atau bahan pengharum yaitu vanili, kulit jeruk, rhum, brandy, essence.
  6. Bahan perapuh Bahan ini digunakan sebagai perbaikan kualitas hasil akhir sajian, contoh putih telur sebgai bahan perapuh sajian fritter.
  7. Bahan penghias Untuk menambah daya tarik diberi sentuhan akhir berupa garnish. Garnish pada sajian dessert dapat berupa whipped cream, cherry, gula halus.


 air purifier or air cleaner 

a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. The commercially graded air purifiers are manufactured as either small stand-alone units or larger units that can be affixed to an air handler unit (AHU) or to an HVAC unit found in the medical, industrial, and commercial industries. Air purifiers may also be used in industry to remove impurities such as CO2 from air before processing. Pressure swing adsorbers or other adsorption techniques are typically used for this.


mobile device; it consists of a package, including the computer and the display, attached to a bracelet. While early models can perform basic tasks, such as calculations, digital time telling, translations, and game-playing, 2010s smartwatches are effectively wearable computers. Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system and Bluetooth connectivity. Some smartwatches function as portable media players, with FM radio and playback of digital audio and video files via a Bluetooth or USB headset. Some models, called 'watch phones' (or vice versa), have complete functionality of a typical smartphone.
While internal hardware varies, most have an electronic visual display, either backlit LCD or OLED or Hologram.[4] Some use transflective or electronic paper, to consume less power. Most have a rechargeable battery and many have a touchscreenPeripheral devices may include digital camerasthermometersaccelerometerspedometersheart rate monitorsaltimetersbarometerscompassesGPS receivers, tiny speakers, and SD card (that are recognized as a storage device by a computer).
Software may include digital mapsschedulers and personal organizerscalculators, and various kinds of watch faces. The watch may communicate with external devices such as sensors, wireless headsets, or a heads-up display. Like other computers, a smartwatch may collect information from internal or external sensors and it may control, or retrieve data from, other instruments or computers. It may support wireless technologies like BluetoothWi-Fi, and GPS. For many purposes, a "watch computer" serves as a front end for a remote system such as a smartphone, communicating with the smartphone using various wireless technologies. Smartwatches are advancing, especially their design, battery capacity, and health related applications


 an input device which captures the handwriting or brush strokes of a user and converts handwritten analog information created using "pen and paper" into digital data, enabling the data to be utilized in various applications. This type of pen is usually used in conjunction with a digital notebook, although the data can also be used for different applications or simply as a graphic.
A digital pen is generally larger and has more features than an active pen. Digital pens typically contain internal electronics and have features such as touch sensitivity, input buttons, memory for storing handwriting data and transmission capabilities.